Who is a crow’s favorite actor? Russell Crow!
What’s the difference between a crow and a chicken?
A chicken can crow, but a crow can’t chicken.
Why was the crow upset about his job? The HR fired the crow with no caws.
I use a crow to wake me up in the morning.
There’s caws for alarm.
What is a bunch of crows gathering money called? Crow funding.
No, I'm not concerned about crows infesting my house...
It's actually just a mynah problem.
I had to carry a group of crows once.
It was murder on my back!
What is a crows favorite vegetable?
Corn on the caawb.
What did the crow decide to dress up as on Halloween? As a scarecrow.
Ever heard of Cawsmopolitan? It is one of the best magazines for crows.
My friend uses a white crow to protect his farm from other crows
He calls it a rarecrow
The gang of crows used a crowbar to break into the house.
What did the irritated crow said to his fried?
I won't talk to you if you don’t stop ravening.
What’s black, dangerous and hides in trees?
A crow with a machine gun.
Went on a walk today. Had a couple of crows following me around. I'm pretty sure I have the corvid.
Which bird is the most contented? The crow, because he never complains without caws.
The phone rings, and a crow picks it only to find out it’s for her husband. She then says: "Hey John, you have a phone caw."
Crows prefer carrion, so their bags are never checked at the airport.
The scare crow was out standing in his field, so he got awarded as the best employee of the year.
What's an albino crow called? A caw-casian.
The cawllarborne of the skinny crow was so pronounced.
Ravens fans are so tough....they hang out in crowbars.
A group of crows is usually called a 'murder.' Technically, it's only a manslaughter unless there is probable caws.
What do you call a noisy group of crows?
A caw-cophony!
What are unsolved murders called when it happens in a society of crows? Murder mysteries.
What do birds like to put in their soup? Crow-tons.
I can’t believe that during the attempted murder, John Crow, Russel Crow and Sheryl Crow were all in the room.
What do you called a crow that cant find his way?
A lost caws
A crow invited his buddies over to hang out but they didn’t show up.
He was charged with attempted murder.
What do crows drink in order to stay awake? They drink cawfee.
What should you name a crow with soft down feathers? Microwsoft.
Did you heard about the zombie crow? He wants to eat your grains.
Why did the junkie adopt a one legged crow?
So he could get crow cane from his vet.
The flock of crows that were sprayed with sewage was a true definition of murder most foul.
I stole seven crows yesterday.
Got away with murder.
What do you call it when a raven marries a crow? A conspiracy to commit to murder.
What kind of ice cream do pigs like best?
Hoggin Daz!
What do you call a group of crows who see food?
A tempted murder.
I said some stubtly racist stuff to a magpie
She was a victim of my crow aggressions.
My Chinese neighbour said he's just opened a crows shop.
Speaking slowly, I said "you mean a *clothes* shop?"
He says, "No, a crows shop - come in and have a rook."
A group of crows drooling over a pastry is called a-tempted murder.
Who was the criminal crow running from? The cawps.
I used to own a raven. It could speak English, but the only word it could speak was "car".
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
What do you call two crows flying together?
An attempted murder
My pet raven, Poe, started coughing... thought it was Corvid-19, but then the bird flu away. Think I will see him nevermore.
That raven is so stubborn at times, he just needs to crow up.
The crow decided to dress up as Corvid-19 virus for the Halloween costume party.
A crow was arrested under suspicion of murder. The case was closed, as the judge said he had just caws.
Two crows land on a park bench.
They were arrested for conspiring to murder.