The snow leopard appeared just at the time our guide predicted it. It appeared white on time!
After a tiring day at work, my wife drew me a relaxing bath. It wasn't very smart of me to ask if it was going to be in color or a sketch.
What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint.
When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.
What did the artist tell his greatest nemesis? I challenge you to a doodle!
Why the skeleton doesn't go to the theater?
Because he has nobody to go with.
There are two people who both claim to live in the building where Shakespeare wrote Romeo & Juliet. They should put a plaque on both their houses.
My sister was diagnosed as color blind. The revelation really came out of the blue.
I thought my ballet-themed body art was unique
But then I saw someone who had a tutu tattoo, too.
Blue jeans are immortal. They never die, they just fade away!
The artist successfully climbed the highest peak in the country. He attributed his success to the song, 'Paint No Mountain Higher!'
My least favourite hue is purple. It's worse than red and blue combined.
An actor I know fell through the floor recently. It's just a stage he was going through.
Today, we had to create a new hang position for some lighting fixtures. After all day trying, we couldn't get the new batten hung properly.
Turns out it was just a pipe dream.
Colors laugh by saying, "Hue Hue Hue."
What's brown and sticky? A stick.
Q. What did one artistic colored pencil say to another?
A. Bro, you are lookin' sharp today!
Why do thespians have great hair? They want the perfect part.
This hottie has forever changed the film industry, and it starts with the letter P and ends with 'orn'. Reel your mind back in - we're talking popcorn!
Military submarines are a deep navy blue in color.
I went into my art lesson covered in yeast and flour...
My teacher said, I'm the perfect roll model.
When facing trouble in the workspace, all the colorists rallied together by saying, "Come what grey, we will overcome all obstacles!"
I wasn't expecting to be diagnosed as colour blind.
It really came out of the purple.
I went to a theater performance done on a bunch of dictionaries the other day...
It was a play on words.
Why did the penguin enter the theatre?
He wanted to go into snow business
Couple of friends have decided to put theatre style seats in their house. It will end in tiers.
A ship load of red paint crashed into a ship load of blue paint. The crews were marooned.
The stormy weather affected my ability to remember my alphabets. I remember A, B, C, D, and F but I misty.Someone got hurt from a fistful of grass thrown at them with force. When they pressed charges, the cops charged the culprit with physical grass-ault.
My friend impresses girls by drawing realistic pictures of trucks. He's a pickup artist!
Why did the girl decide to become an art dealer? Because she wanted more Monet.
Blue and orange are always polite and amicable with each other because they are complementary colors.
I thought the play was frightful but I saw it under particularly unfortunate circumstances - the curtain was up.
Julius Caesar ordered pizza for the senate at Theatre of Pompey
Casca: How could you not order enough pizza for everyone?
Julius: But there was enough for everybody to have a slice...
Brutus: I ate 2 slices.
Why does everyone paint Easter Eggs? Because it is a lot easier than wallpapering them.
Why did the artist cross the street? To crosshatch to the other side.
What's a lion's favorite color?
Having been thrown out of cartoon art school, he was in suspended animation.
Q. What did the bully do to the orange?
A. Beat him to a pulp.
Wind turbine mechanics and engineers are very fond of the blew color!
TV news anchors love the shades of red. They get serious whenever there is Burgundy.
Which barnyard animal is a famous painter?
Vincent Van Goat
A friend of mine was describing an exotic bird to me and asked what was orange and sounded like a parrot. I told him, "A carrot".
A prankster played a really dark and dim-witted joke at the theatre. He turned off the lights.
Q. Why are orange jokes so dumb?
A. Because oranges are afraid to concentrate.
The ghost scared all the boys who ventured into the haunted house and then varnished into the almirah!
Friend of mine got sacked as a set designer for not producing anything. He didn't make a scene.
Great news! I'm a movie director now! I gave stellar directions to a very lovely family on their way to the theatre.
Q: Did you hear about the blonde couple that were found frozen to death in their car at the drive-in movie theatre?
A: They apparently went to see "Closed For The Winter"
Q. What do you get when a swine artist mixes two colors together?
A. Pigment.
They say that the cardio system is the work of artery, but it is really just vein.