Turtle Puns

Welcome to our TURTLE PUNS! These puns are turtle-y hilarious! Don't get shell-shocked!

Turtle Puns

Turtles communicate with each other through shell phones.
What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine?
A slow poke.
The turtle had to cross the road in order to get to the Shell station.

I had a shell of a time when I attended the costume party as a turtle.
Why do turtles never forget?
Because they have turtle recall.
The truck load of tortoise that crushed caused a turtle disaster.
When one of them have a birthday, turtles call for a shell-ebration.
The mossbacks could not connect with the new developments, so the bill was hot
down at the senate.
What do you call a flying turtle?
A shellicopter.
A slow poke is what you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine.
Why did the turtle cross the road?
To get to the Shell station.
What do turtles do when one of them has a birthday?
They have a shell-ebration.
My pet turtle died.
I'm not upset - just shell-shocked.
You cross a turtle with a giraffe and a kangaroo and you end up with a turtle
neck jumper.
I am an introvert, but you know how to bring me out of my shell.
What do you call a turtle who takes up photography?
A snapping turtle.
Grandma runs the kitchen like a turtle-tarian; give her some space there.
What kind of photos do turtles take?
My wife and I went to a turtle pun class yesterday.
It tortoise nothing.
We were all sturtled by the incoming news.
Turtles love taking shell-fies.
Turtles keep on winning battles because they are perfect at shelling their enemies.
Where does a turtle go when it's raining?
A shell-ter.
Picking your favorite snack can be like picking the slowest turtle in the pack.
These puns are turtle-y hilarious.
A snapping turtle is a turtle that takes up pgotography.
We’ll need protracturtle in our next lesson since the topic will be angles.
These ideas are too shellow, they won’t be of any help.
Jellyfish and peanut butterare sea turtles favorite sandwich.
What do you call a famous turtle?
A shell-ebrity.
A famous turtle is called a shell-ebrity.
Because they got turtle recall, turtles never forget.
An electrocuted turtle feels shell-shocked.
A flying turtle is called a shellicopter.
How does a turtle feel after being electrocuted?
Turtles that commit crime are sent to the shell-block.
What our parents tortoise was to be kind to each other.
When it’s raining, a turtle goes to a shell-ter.
How do you plan to shell-ebrate the New Year?
How do turtles communicate with each other?
With shell phones.
I was she-shocked when my pet turtle died.
What do you call a truck-load of tortoises crashing into a train-load of terrapins?
A turtle disaster.
Their engagement is yet to be made offishell.
We have always been in turtle awe of her artistic skills.
All the turtles wore turtle necks to the party.
Whoever lives by the sword shell die by it.
I got invited to a costume party, so I went as a turtle.
I had a shell of a time.
The pun class we attended totally tortoise nothing.
What do you call a turtle chef?
A slow cooker.
Where do you send turtles who commit crimes?
To the shell-block.
We did not understand what the mother turtle was saying because it was all in ridleys.