Tiger Puns

These tiger puns will have you ROARing in laughter.

Tiger Puns

On which day do tiger eat people?
Why are tigers said to be religious? Because they frequently prey with all their family members.
What do tigers sing at Christmas?
Jungle bells! Jungle bells!
Tigers are like army soldiers. They both grow up to earn some stripes.
What did the zoologist and the herbalist name their child? Tiger Woods.
Q: What’s a tiger’s favorite color?
A: Roar-range.
Q: What does the tiger use to brush his mane?
A: A catacomb.
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a mammoth’s tusk?
A sabre-toothed tiger.
Who would win a game of hide and seek between a dalmatian and a tiger? The tiger because he wouldn't be spotted.
What is one of the big tiger's most favorite hangout places? A shopping maul.
Which flower is known as the most ferocious flower? A tiger lily.
Why can't college professors take exams at a zoo? Because there are too many cheetahs.
Q: What does a tiger call an antelope?
A: Fast food.
What’s the difference between a lion and a tiger?
A tiger always tells the truth, the other one is always lie-on.
How do you know if a tiger is male or female?
Throw a rock at it. If he runs it's a male. If she runs it's a female.
A rare black tiger is spotted in India
Everywhere else it has stripes.
Why did the tiger eat the tightrope walker?
It wanted a balanced diet.
Q: What do you call a French guy being mauled by a tiger?
A: Claude.
How do you know a flmaingo has stolen your shoes?
Only one shoe is missing.
Who in the hell names their son “Tiger” ?
Only people in the Woods’
My grandfather had the heart of a tiger
And a lifetime ban at the zoo
Q: Why do the tiger not attack the farm?
A: He was a little bit sheepish.
A lion would never play golf.
But a Tiger Wood.
How do you catch a unique tiger?
Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame tiger?
Tame way.
The tiger came went to the salon. Now, other animals of the jungle call him 'Shaved Khan.'
Q: How do you stop an angry tiger from charging?
A: Take away his credit cards.
A tiger lost a storytelling competition recently as he has only got one tail.
Q: What do tigers and computers have in common?
A: They both have mega bites.