Tiger Puns

These tiger puns will have you ROARing in laughter.

Tiger Puns

What’s the difference between a lion and a tiger?
A tiger always tells the truth, the other one is always lie-on.
Why did the tiger eat the tightrope walker?
It wanted a balanced diet.
What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday?
It’s roar birthday!
A priest is the best catch for a tiger as they like to prey.
Why are tigers said to be religious? Because they frequently prey with all their family members.
What will you get if you cross a tiger and a watchdog? A terrified watchman.
Q: Why are tigers religious?
A: Because they prey frequently, and prey as a family!
How do you know if a tiger is male or female?
Throw a rock at it. If he runs it's a male. If she runs it's a female.
What flies around your light at night and can bite your head off?
A tiger moth.
A saber tooth tiger would never blow anything up.
But a dino might.
Where does a tiger sleep?
Anywhere he wants to!
Why are Siberian tigers so happy at Christmas time? Because it is snowy, and they get to look like white tigers.
Q: Why did the tiger eat the lamp?
A: He wanted a light lunch.
Q: What’s a tiger’s favorite color?
A: Roar-range.
It was reported that a tiger recently exploded in the forest fire. They say it was a Royal Bang-al Tiger.
What do you get when your cross a bear and a tiger?
A bear and a tiger seeking revenge.
The tiger ran away from other tigers as they were rude to him. He didn't want to be involved in a catfight.
What is the only difference between a lion and a tiger? The mane part is missing in a tiger.
What do tigers sing at Christmas?
Jungle bells! Jungle bells!
Q: Why do the tiger not attack the farm?
A: He was a little bit sheepish.
On which day do tiger eat people?
The big cat was known around town to wear a lot of funky ties. Everyone called him the tie-ger.
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a mammoth’s tusk?
A sabre-toothed tiger.
Tigers are like army soldiers. They both grow up to earn some stripes.
Which flower is known as the most ferocious flower? A tiger lily.
A rare black tiger is spotted in India
Everywhere else it has stripes.
Who would win a game of hide and seek between a dalmatian and a tiger? The tiger because he wouldn't be spotted.
What did you call the cat next door 10,000 years ago?
A neighbor-toothed tiger.
What will you get if you cross an ice bear and a running tiger? Frostbite.
Q: How do you stop an angry tiger from charging?
A: Take away his credit cards.
Q: What do you call a French guy being mauled by a tiger?
A: Claude.
Why was the big white tiger angry with his other Siberian tiger friend? Because he bleached him while grooming.
How do you know a flmaingo has stolen your shoes?
Only one shoe is missing.
The tiger asked his longtime friend, "Will you be my tigerlfriend."
Q: What does a tiger call an antelope?
A: Fast food.
What’s striped and bouncy?
A tiger on a pogo stick!
Q: Which U.S. state do tigers like the most?
A: Maine.
Why are tigers striped? Because they never want to be spotted.
What does a tiger say to his friends before eating a meal? "Let us prey!"
What is one of the big tiger's most favorite hangout places? A shopping maul.
Tony the tiger ate both of my grandmother's parents.
Tearfully, I asked him why. He just looked at me and said, "They're GREAT!"
If a lamb and tiger were crossed, you would end up with a striped sweater.
Why can't college professors take exams at a zoo? Because there are too many cheetahs.
My grandfather had the heart of a tiger
And a lifetime ban at the zoo
What’s striped and goes round and round?
A tiger in a revolving door.
If a four-legged animal a quadruped and a two-legged animal is a biped, what’s a tiger?
Q: What time is it when a tiger walks into the room?
A: Time to get out of the room.
What should someone do if they are stuck between a jaguar and a tiger? Simple, just take the Jaguar and drive away from the tiger.
What do you call a three-eyed tiger?
A tiiiger.
How do you catch a unique tiger?
Unique up on it.
How do you catch a tame tiger?
Tame way.