Fish Puns

Nothing fishy here... it's just the world's largest fish pun collection!

Fish Puns

I went fly-fishing yesterday.
All I caught was two bluebottles.
How do fish go into business?
The start on a small scale.
What fish are at the zoo?
Lion fish!
What's a fish's favorite musical instrument?
A bass guitar.
Why are mice afraid of the water?
Because of catfish.
How does a group of sea turtles make a decision?
They flipper a coin.
What’s the easiest way to catch fish? Have someone throw it at you!
How do you make an Octopus laugh?
With tentacles!
What fish perform at the circus?
Clown fish!
How do you communicate with a fish?
Drop him a line.
I got an email today saying I could win $10,000 in a fishing competition.
But I'm sure there's a catch involved somewhere.
What’s the difference between a marine biologist and a dog?
One tags a whale, the other wags a tail.
What did the fish say when it swam into a brick wall?
What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
You can’t tuna fish.
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Fishually impaired.
Are Jellyfish sad that there are no Peanut Butter fish?
Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Oysters don’t share their pearls because they’re shellfish!
Do you know where you take a sick squid?
To the doctopus.
What part of a fish weighs the most?
The scales.
What kind of fish will help you hear?
A herring aid!
How do you confuse a fish?
Put the fish in a round fishbowl and tell it to go to the corner.
What is the most expensive kind of fish?
The goldfish.
What do jellyfish and a girl after prom night have in common?
They can't be deboned.
What is the funniest fish in the sea?
A clownfish.
Which fish is the most famous? The starfish.