Crow Puns

Squawk with laughter at these funny crow puns.

Crow Puns

The scare crow was out standing in his field, so he got awarded as the best employee of the year.
Crows, they just love sports, crow-quet to be precise.
What do you call two crows flying together?
An attempted murder
What did the crow decide to dress up as on Halloween? As a scarecrow.
I had to carry a group of crows once.
It was murder on my back!
A bunch of crows ganged up and killed a chicken.
It was a murder most fowl.
What kind of ice cream do pigs like best?
Hoggin Daz!
What do you call a group of crows eating a box of corn flakes?
A cereal murder.
Where do crows try their luck?
A bear covered in a bunch of crows gives the picture of a grizzly murder.
After graduating from high school, crows go to caw-lleges for further studies.
Don't give up at this stage, just keep cawing on, you will do great.
A crow was arrested under suspicion of murder. The case was closed, as the judge said he had just caws.
How can you tell the difference between an English and French crow?
What did the teenage crow want for his birthday? A brand new caw!
What is a crows favorite vegetable?
Corn on the caawb.
I use a crow to wake me up in the morning.
There’s caws for alarm.
What do you call a group of dyslexic crows?
A redrum.
A crow’s favorite nutty dessert is Pecawn Pie.
To resolve the internal issues at the office, crows involved their cawnflict mediators.
Ravens fans are so tough....they hang out in crowbars.
A gang of ravens scared off individual crows and cornered them together. Well, you can say that a conspiracy of ravens preplanned a murder of crows.
The flock of crows that were sprayed with sewage was a true definition of murder most foul.
I stole seven crows yesterday.
Got away with murder.
On Halloween night a group of crows decided to enact a scene from the play Julius Ceaser, they were enacting the caw-nspiracy scene.
Why was the crow upset about his job? The HR fired the crow with no caws.
Ever heard of Cawsmopolitan? It is one of the best magazines for crows.
Crows prefer carrion, so their bags are never checked at the airport.
What would a crow wear to the Halloween party? A crown!
How do the crows in Texas greet each other?
Did you heard about the zombie crow? He wants to eat your grains.
Experts suggest that the crows flying beak first into windows at a horrifying speed comit a murder suicide.
What do you call a Spanish pig?
I heard some crows communicating after one of their own was injured.
They were caws for concern.
What did the irritated crow said to his fried?
I won't talk to you if you don’t stop ravening.
Crows organized a cawnfrences, to discuss the upcoming project.
Why was the crow so angry after his stand up comedy gig? The venue paid him in coffee instead of caw fee.
A group of crows drooling over a pastry is called a-tempted murder.
A guy walks into a crow bar
It's a murder scene
I thought of premeditated murder and a flash mob of crows came to my mind.
The public investigated a box full of crows because it was a murder case.
A sunburned murder of crows is referred to as 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree.
The phone rings, and a crow picks it only to find out it’s for her husband. She then says: "Hey John, you have a phone caw."
What does a chocolate crow say? “Cacao!”
One of my friends who hates crows, looked at a flock of crows, I saw murder in his eyes.
Where do crows type? Crows type on cawmputers.
Why was the crow on the telephone wire? To make a long-distance caw.
What do you call a group of crows who see food?
A tempted murder.
My pet raven, Poe, started coughing... thought it was Corvid-19, but then the bird flu away. Think I will see him nevermore.
Who brings presents for crows on Christmas? On Christmas? Santa Caws