Turtle Puns

Welcome to our TURTLE PUNS! These puns are turtle-y hilarious! Don't get shell-shocked!

Turtle Puns

You cross a turtle with a giraffe and a kangaroo and you end up with a turtle
neck jumper.
What do turtles do when one of them has a birthday?
They have a shell-ebration.
What do you call a famous turtle?
A shell-ebrity.
What is a Leatherback Sea Turtles favorite sandwich?
Peanut butter and jellyfish.
The mossbacks could not connect with the new developments, so the bill was hot
down at the senate.
I got invited to a costume party, so I went as a turtle.
I had a shell of a time.
The turtle had to cross the road in order to get to the Shell station.

I had a shell of a time when I attended the costume party as a turtle.
Being shellfless entails volunteering at the relief center during disaster.
A famous turtle is called a shell-ebrity.
My pet turtle died.
I'm not upset - just shell-shocked.
All the turtles wore turtle necks to the party.
The truck load of tortoise that crushed caused a turtle disaster.
An electrocuted turtle feels shell-shocked.
Turtles communicate with each other through shell phones.
What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine?
A slow poke.
A snapping turtle is a turtle that takes up pgotography.
Turtles that commit crime are sent to the shell-block.
The pun class we attended totally tortoise nothing.
Turtles keep on winning battles because they are perfect at shelling their enemies.
What do you call a turtle chef?
A slow cooker.
What do you call a flying turtle?
A shellicopter.
Where do you send turtles who commit crimes?
To the shell-block.
How does a turtle feel after being electrocuted?