Mouse Puns

Use your computer mouse and prepare your cheese! Welcome to our MOUSE PUNS!

Mouse Puns

What mouse was a Roman emperor?
Julius Cheeser!
What kind of car does a mouse drive?
A mini van.
Why do mice need oiling?
Because they squeak!
Why did the mouse eat a candle? For some light refreshment!
What do you call a mouse that doesn’t like being known about-?
What’s the sequel to that?
Fuller mouse!
What's gray and furry on the inside and white on the outside? A mouse sandwich!
Which condiment is a mouse’s favourite?
Why are elephants scared of computers?
Because of the mouse.
How do mice celebrate when they move home? With a mouse warming party!
What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat?
‘Here Kitty, kitty, kitty’!
Which city do hamsters live in?
What do you call a mouse that doesn't eat, drink, or even walk? A computer mouse.
Why did the mouse stay inside? Because it was raining cats and dogs.
What goes dot, dot, dash, squeak?
Mouse code!
What do you call a mouse that doesn’t eat, drink, or even walk?
A computer mouse.
Why did the mouse stay inside?
Because it was raining cats and dogs.
What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat? 'Here Kitty, kitty, kitty'!
How do you save a drowning mouse ?
Use mouse to mouse resuscitation !
What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth?
Hard cheese!
How does a mouse feel after it takes a shower?
Squeaky clean!
What do rodents say when they play bingo?
‘Eyes down for a full mouse’!
What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth? Hard cheese!
What did the boyfriend mouse say too the girlfriend mouse family? Mice too meet you.
Who has large antlers, a high voice and wears white gloves? Mickey Moose!
What’s gray, squeaky and hangs around in caves?
What goes eek, eek, bang?
A mouse in a minefield!