Frog Puns

Welcome to the swamp, so hoppy that you're here! Hope you don't croak when you hear these silly frog puns!

Frog Puns

What do you call an illegally parked frog?
What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives but a frog croaks every night.
Whats the preferred car of frogs?
The Beetle.
Waiter, waiter, do you have frog legs?
No, I always walk this way.
What's a frog's favorite candy?
Where is a frog's favorite place to eat?
What do stylish frogs wear?
What do you get if cross a science fiction film with a toad?
Star Warts.
When I was younger, I dressed up as a frog and robbed a bank.
That was the first time that I Kerm-itted a crime.
What do you call a frog with no back legs?
What do you get if you cross a frog and a dog?
A croaker spaniel.
Why are frogs so happy?
Because they eat whatever bugs them.
What kind of music do frogs listen to?
Hip hop.
What jumps up and down in front of a car?
What's a frog's favorite flower?
A croakus.
Why did the frog go to the bank with a gun?
He wanted to robbit.
Did you hear about the short-sighted frog?
He had to go to the Hopthalmologist.
What do you get if you cross a frog with a ferry?
A hoppercraft.
Where do frogs leave their hats and coats?
In the croakroom.
What's green and dangerous?
A frog with a hand-grenade.
What do you get when you cross an alligator and a poison frog?
A croakadile.
What kind of pole is short and floppy?
A tadpole.
Whats green and can jump a mile a minute?
A frog with hiccups.
What kind of music do sophisticated frogs listen to?
What do you get if cross a frog with some mist?
Kermit the Fog.