Parrot Puns

Hilarious parrot puns that will make you quack with laughter.

Parrot Puns

If I had a talking parrot, the first thing I would teach it to say is "Help, they've turned me into a parrot!"
Would you mind watching my pet parrot while I’m out, as long as it’s not too much of a birden?
My pet parrot, Nickel, just passed away.
Now I have a Nickel-less cage.
I'm giving away a free legless parrot.
No perches necessary.
I can’t decide how to finish this wooden sign telling my parrot that she’s become a member of the Scottish aristocracy
What is a parrot’s favorite game?
What do you name a synthetic parrot?
What do you get if you cross a parrot with a woodpecker?
A bird that talks in morse code!
Q. What do you get if you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A. A walkie talkie!
What do you call a funny parrot spoof
A parody
What is a parrot’s favorite game?
Hide and Speak!
What has four legs, four eyes, and a net? Four pirates looking for a lost parrot!
What do you get if you cross a pigeon and a parrot? Voicemail!
I just learned how to speak parrot.
I just learned how to speak parrot.
My friend’s parrot lost his beak in a fan accident and he wanted to find a prosthetic. I sent him to my Uncle Tony.
He fits the bill.
I'm giving away my legless parrot, no perches necessary!
What do you call a parrot that won’t eat?
A Polly-no-meal.
What can one parrot do?
Not as much as toucan.
Why did the parrot cross the road? Just beak-ause!
What does the like to parrot wear to the beach? A beak-ini!