Llama Puns

Fleeced to meet you, have some Llamanade and enjoy our best Llama puns!

Llama Puns

What do llamas always reply when you thank them?
No probllama.
Who’s a llama’s favorite actor?
Al Pacacino.
What do llamas always say when they introduce themselves?
“Fleeced to meet you.”
What’s a llama’s favorite song?
Llama Chameleon.
What did the llama say when he was invited to the picnic?
Alpaca lunch.
What do llamas do when they eat outside together?
They have an alpacanic.
Who was the most infamous terrorist in llama history?
Osama Bin Llama.
What did the llama get when he graduated school?
A dipllama.
Who’s a llama’s favorite composer?
Wolfgang Llamadeus Mozart.
What do you get when you cross a tortoise and a llama?
A turtle-neck sweater.
What’s a llama’s favorite movie?
Alpacalypse Now.
What did the llama say to the grass?
“Nice gnawing you!”
What did the llama say when the other llama asked if they wanted to go on holiday?
Alpaca suitcase.
What do you get if you stand between two llamas?
What do you call a stampeding herd of llamas?
The alpacalypse.
What do you call a secret group of llamas?
The i-llama-nati.
Where do llamas go on vacation?
I tried to phone the spiritual leader of Tibet once, but I was sent a big goat with a long neck instead.
I must have phoned Dial-a-Llama by mistake.
What do llamas always say after yoga class?
What do llamas say when you tell them something obvious?
“No spit, Sherlock.”
What’s a llama’s favorite drink?
What did the llama say when he found out he had been robbed?
“I’ve been fleeced!”
Who’s a llama’s favorite pop singer?
Llama Del Ray.
What do llamas call the end of the world?
Llama know if you don’t like these puns and alpaca my suitcase and leave!
How do llamas say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
Fleece Navidad.
Why don’t Alpacas like singing with background music?
They prefer to sing alpacapella.
Who’s a llama’s favorite U.S. president?
Barack Ollama.
What sound does a llama’s doorbell make?
Llama llama ding dong.