Duck Puns

These duck puns are sure to make you quack up!

Duck Puns

What did the duck who learned physics say?
Quark, quark.
Why did the duck cross the road?
He was tied to the chicken.
What says “Quick, Quick”?
A duck with the hiccups
How do you get down off a horse?
You don’t, you get down off a duck.
Why does a duck say quack?
Because it can’t say moo.
What did the duck do after he read all these jokes?
He quacked up.
Did you hear about the bird that couldn’t pass environmental legislation?
He was a lame duck.
Why are ducks bad drivers?
Their windshields are qwacked.
What do you get when a duck bends over?
It’s Buttquack
What did the duck say when the waitress came?
Put it on my bill.
What did the duck say when he dropped the dishes?
“I hope I didn’t quack any.”
What did Detective Duck say to his partner?
“Let’s quack this case.”