Wine Puns

Welcome! This is a place for humor connoisseurs! Only the most fine, fresh WINE PUNS here for our most select members!

Wine Puns

"You are so bottlefull to me."
"I'm not a wino. I'm a wineYES!"
"Everything happens for a riesling, right?"
Which mammal absolutely loves Merlot and Cabernet?
The Wineoceros.
Why does your grandma like wine so much?
Because at her age, she needs glasses!
What do sailors drink when they gather at a tavern to commiserate?
Port whine!
My doctor said I need to change my diet. He said I should eat more more caviar and drink more champagne. So, I said, "That's insane! What kind of a diet is that?" He replied, "It's called a High Fluten Diet."
"Wine a little, laugh a lot."
"Great minds drink alike."
Wine if you must. It’s not good to bottle up your emotions.
"On cloud wine."
I’m not old. I’m aged to perfection. And full bodied.
Wine puns. They're always in pour taste.
What type of wine is notorious for making you drowsy?
Sauvign-yawn blanc!
"Sip happens."
Why have less scato when you can have mo’ scato?
"Hakuna Moscato. It means drink wine."
"I need to re-wine my life."
Why do winos love cheap wine puns?
Because wine snobs hate them!
Are there any funny red wine puns at BabaMail Jokes?
You bet Shiraz there are!
Fine Wine Pick-Up Line: Hey babe, what are you doing this fall? 'Cause I'd like to make you part of the season's harvest.
"I make pour decisions."
"Cabernet. More like, caber-yay!"
"Chardonnay or should I go?"
Gluten-free, dairy-free, fat-free – I love this new Champagne Diet!
Why did Wonder Woman rescue the Wine?
Because that's what grape lady superheroes do!
"Alcohol you later."
Where do connoisseurs lock up their best bottles?
In a wine cabernet.
Somehow they knew I wanted champagne. It was chilling.
My wife hates it when I mess with her red wine. I added fruit and orange juice, and now she sangria than ever!
"Giving you more reasons to wine."
Which sports team do wine lovers always root for?
The Reds!
Why did Mrs. Wine Grape run away from home?
She was tired of raisin a family.
I like my wine sweet and my humor dry.
"You had me at merlot."
"Stop and smell the rosé."
"It isn't good to keep things bottled up."
"Sip, sip hooray."
Wino Woe: Forgive me, for I have zinned!
How does cabernet like to travel abroad?
On a cruise sip.
"Is that a yay or cabernet?"