Strawberry Puns

These strawberry puns are berry berry funny!

Strawberry Puns

The baby strawberries were berry upset when they heard that both their parents were in the jam.
Why didn't the unripe strawberry got any cards and chocolates for Valentine's Day? Because it was really sour.
The strawberry was scared of the cream. They were afraid it had gone bad.
A scarecrow's favorite fruit to eat is straw-berry.
I'm going to tell you all a story about strawberries.....
Once a punnet time....
What is a strawberry that likes to spin called? A berry-go-round.
When Berry the dog dug up the woman's strawberry patch, she angrily exclaimed "That is the final straw, Berry."
Strawberries are berry healthy. They pack a punch when it comes to beating cancer and other diseases.
Most of the fruits usually drink their juice with a straw-berry.
A strawberry screamed at the other, "Were it not that ripe, we wouldn't have ended up in this jam."
What do you call a strawberry in math?
A berry-able.
I saw a strawberry with a gun, robbing a man. I am guessing he was in a jam.
It was the pie piper who had led the strawberries to the bakery.
What is a vampire who loves eating strawberry jam called? A jampire.
The pie-maker couldn't eat any more strawberries because she was already stuffed.
Why is the strawberry loved dearly by everyone? Because it is berry sweet.
The only type of berry you will ever find in a barn is a straw-berry.
What did the judge say at the finale of the meat throwing competition? The steaks have never been higher!
When a man went to the doctor to get rid of the strawberry that was growing out of his head, the doctor told him, "Don't worry. I'll give you some cream for that".
Strawberries love to travel. Their favorite mode of transport is the wind-jam-mer.
When the strawberry's favorite song came on, he exclaimed "That's my jam!"
I found a sour strawberry today. It was berry bad.
Some very good advice strawberries give to their children is to respect their elder-berries.
The perfect name for a sad and morose strawberry is a blueberry.
A berry funny strawberry candy is called a Laffy taffy.
Why did the butcher work overtime at the grocery store? To make ends meat!
I saw a real rob-bbery today. It happened right before my berry eyes.
If you want to wish a 'Merry Christmas' to a strawberry, just say, "Straw-berry Christmas!'"
When I went to the shop to buy some strawberries, they didn't have any. It was such a fruitless trip.
What kind of face cream does a strawberry buys?
Blackhead removal cream and scrub
What do prison tennis matches and strawberry jam have in common?
You can never make a crumble with just 3.14 strawberries because that would make a pi.
A strawberry who is a thief is called a rob-berry
Last time I was in France I wanted to ask a question about strawberries
But I wasn't sure how to fraise it.
A turkey's favorite dessert is a strawberry gobbler.
The jam bank went bankrupt because of the series of strobberies in the last quarter.
A Blueberry asked a strawberry to go to hell.
That was berry rude of him
On Father's Day my family went strawberry picking. Later on, we decided to make a jam...
...from the fruits of our labor
A strawberry feels most comfortable in its py-jam-as.
The daddy strawberry got the job to perform at the circus because he was a berry straw-ng man.
Why did the strawberry get bruised? Because it was under pear pressure.
Nobody would ask the strawberry to go to the prom because it was past her sale by date.
What did the lovesick pig sing to his girlfriend? Don't go bacon my heart!
When you want to propose to a person who loves strawberries, just say, "I love you berry much."