Orange Puns

These orange puns are so a-peeling!

Orange Puns

Why does the yogi meditate under the citrus tree?
Because it’s a sub-lime spot.
What do you get when you cross an orange with a parrot? A carrot.
What happened when the orange broke out of prison?
All heck broke juice.
What happens when you rub two oranges together?
You get Pulp Friction.
Where were the first orange trees planted?
“In Orange County.”
We all know that monkeys of all species love bananas, however, there is one family that doesn’t really fancy them, the orang-utans.
People say nothing rhymes with orange. It seems very strange to me.
Why was the girl staring at the carton of orange juice?
“It said concentrate.”
Apple and orange were the only two left that evening. Everyone else had dates.
What did the orange say before he started his new job?
“The zest is yet to come!”
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad to see me?
Why did the orange get insurance?
Zest in case.
Q: Why are orange and banana phones so popular these days?
A: They have appeal.
What can a whole orange do that half an orange can never do?
“Look round!”
I was throwing oranges at tropical birds. One of them caught one then said: “Toucan play that game”
What did one orange say to its friend telling a wild story?
“That’s un-peel-ievalbe!”
Why do oranges wear suntan lotion? They peel in the sun.
Q: Why can’t oranges be pirates?
A: They don’t get scurvy.
Why did the orange lose the race?
“Because it got Im-peached.”
Which Star Wars character was the orange cast for?
Emperor Pulpatine.
You shouldn’t put orange slices in your beer. Well, maybe once in a Blue Moon.
Finally, the call came in and the orange was informed by the person on the other end of the line that the company had orange-d an interview for the following day.
Why did the orange lose his job at the factory? He didn’t concentrate.
During World War 2, sending food to the troops was a challenge. Researchers had to concentrate to figure out how to send orange juice.
What are the longest lasting relationships in the fruit world? Orange-d marriages.
Did you hear about the orange boxer?
He got beaten to a pulp.
The orange said to the melon, “You are one in a melon.” The melon replied, “You are so appealing.”
Despite his puns being so orange-inal, nobody really likes them.
What's the difference between French fries and orange juice?
You can make orange juice out of orange, but not French fries out of French
What did the apple teacher say to her student? Help me orange the chairs please!
What did mamma orange say to little orange after he spilled his milk? It’s no big peel!
When I was in grade school, one of my best friends spoke Mandarin. One day, he introduced me to his parents and I told them I don’t speak orange.
Why did the orange’s musical number receive a bad review?
Because it wasn’t an “orange-inal.”
Oranges rarely pass driving tests, this is because they keep on peeling out.
The favorite drink for batman is a fruit punch.
We had made everything for the party and the groom came in, did a quick assessment and didn’t seem amused. “Orange you glad we did this?” we asked him.
What do you call a fruit riding a motorcycle? – An Orange County Chopper.
What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A blood orange.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you going to open the door.
What do oranges like to listen to?
Musical com-peel-ations.
The oranges hadn’t been peeling well for a week when they finally decided to seek medical attention.
It peels nice to be voted in as the most appeeling model in the contest.
The orange was really sad at the event because it had no peelings whatsoever for the desperate prune.
What happened when an orange, an apple, and a banana all went on a picnic together?
They had a “fruit-ful” day.
What do you call fake oranges?
“Pulp Fiction”
An organization that citricises its workers cannot get the maximum juice out of them.
What did the orange say when a knife pierced it’s peel? Flesh wound.
Hap-pea-ness is when you and your friend are like two peas in a pod.
Why did the orange help the old lady cross the road?
To do a random act of rindness.
Why did the orange come back after it was thrown in the garbage?
It was a boom-orange.