Orange Puns

These orange puns are so a-peeling!

Orange Puns

In the middle of the night yesterday, I dreamt that I was swimming in a sea of oranges only to wake up and realize that it was just a Fanta-sea.
Why don’t oranges go around blind?
“Because they take Vitamin See!”
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you going to open the door.
What did the orange do the night before the exam?
He put his nose to the “g-rind-stone” and read the entire textbook.
Hap-pea-ness is when you and your friend are like two peas in a pod.
What rhymes with orange?
No, it doesn’t.
Why did the citrus fruit join the military?
“Because it was a navel orange.”
Why did the orange help the old lady cross the road?
To do a random act of rindness.
He apologized for driving the orange to the edge of the blade
You shouldn’t put orange slices in your beer. Well, maybe once in a Blue Moon.
An organization that citricises its workers cannot get the maximum juice out of them.
Oranges rarely pass driving tests, this is because they keep on peeling out.
When the orange started peeling, he was glad it was finally cutting some weight.
The least favorite day for an orange is a juice day.
What happened when the orange broke out of prison?
All heck broke juice.
Why did the orange lose the race?
“Because it got Im-peached.”
What would Santa’s name be if he wore orange instead of red?
Fanta Claus.
What do you get when you cross an orange with a parrot? A carrot.
Why did the fruit bat eat the orange?
“Because it had appeal.”
Finally, the call came in and the orange was informed by the person on the other end of the line that the company had orange-d an interview for the following day.
Q: Why couldn’t the orange believe that her friend had let her down?
A: This was because citrus-ted him!
Why did the orange get insurance?
Zest in case.
What do you get when an Elephant sits on an Orange?
Orange squash.
What’s an orange’s favourite animal? An orange-utan.
Why did the orange lose his job at the factory? He didn’t concentrate.
Last night I dreamt I was swimming in a sea of oranges. I guess it was just a Fanta-sea!
Why did the lemon like the orange? He’s not from concentrate.
We had made everything for the party and the groom came in, did a quick assessment and didn’t seem amused. “Orange you glad we did this?” we asked him.
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you going to let me in?.
What did the oranges do after concluding the meeting?
They peeled the deal.
What do you call a fruit riding a motorcycle?
“An Orange County Chopper.”
The favorite drink for batman is a fruit punch.
What is the healthiest fruit?
“An orange. It takes Vitamin See!”
Why was the orange the valedictorian of her class?
She was the zest in class.
Did you hear about the orange boxer?
He got beaten to a pulp.
Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice.
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad to see me?
Knock, knock! Who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock Who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
Nowadays oranges have decided to go out with prune. The reason is that it is becoming so hard to find a date.
Where were the first orange trees planted?
“In Orange County.”
The oranges have great eyesight because they always keep their eyes peeled.
The orange was really sad at the event because it had no peelings whatsoever for the desperate prune.
Which Star Wars character was the orange cast for?
Emperor Pulpatine.
I’ve got a great idea for an automatic orange peeling machine I hope it bares fruit.
What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A blood orange.
Which language do oranges use to speak to each other? Mandarin.
Why was the orange skeptical of everyone around him?
He was planted with a seed of doubt.
Q: What happens when two oranges collide?
A: They get en-tang-led!
Why did the orange go to the doctor? He wasn’t peeling well.
The fruit bat ate the orange because of its appeal. It had such a nice color.