Wine Puns

Welcome! This is a place for humor connoisseurs! Only the most fine, fresh WINE PUNS here for our most select members!

Wine Puns

"Another glass? Wine not?!"
"You are so bottlefull to me."
"You're the wine that I want."
"I need to re-wine my life."
"Oh, sweet child of wine."
"Let's get fizzical. Pass the prosecco."
"Rosé all day."
"Chardonnay or should I go?"
"I make pour decisions."
"Great minds drink alike."
"Love the wine you're with."
"Alcohol you later."
"Giving you more reasons to wine."
"Back that glass up."
"Everything happens for a riesling, right?"
"Is that a yay or cabernet?"
"Stop and smell the rosé."
"It's wine o'clock."
"I'm not a wino. I'm a wineYES!"
"Sip happens."
"I mead more wine."
"Be kind, re-wine."
"No wine left behind."
"Partners in wine."
"Adulting makes me wine."
"Hakuna Moscato. It means drink wine."
"Cabernet. More like, caber-yay!"
"My day just went from super to sip-erb, real quick."
"On cloud wine."
"Read between the wines."
"It isn't good to keep things bottled up."
"Sip, sip hooray."
"Time to wine down."
"You can't sip with us."
"Will you accept this rosé?"
"Here for the right riesling."
"You had me at merlot."
"Say you'll be wine."
"Wine a little, laugh a lot."
What kind of wine do they serve at the horse races?
Do librarians like white wine?
No, they like theirs well red!
What kind of wine do traffic cops like best?
Fine wine!
Why did the wine connoisseur insist on drinking from an old tire?
He heard it was a Goodyear!
What do sailors drink when they gather at a tavern to commiserate?
Port whine!
Did you hear about the little grape who didn’t want to be made into wine?
Unfortunately, he was pressed into service!
What type of wine is notorious for making you drowsy?
Sauvign-yawn blanc!
What kind of wine is aged to purr-fection?
Did you hear about the crime family that took over the wine importing business?
They call themselves the Sip-ranos!
This kind of wine does not go right through you. Trust me, you will pee no noir.
You’re wine in a million.