Peach Puns

These funny peach puns will leave you s-peach-less.

Peach Puns

When the mama peach found out that his child had failed his class, she was s-peach-less.
The peach started acting all funny because it was really fuzzy.
Q: Why did the fruit go to the salon?
A: To peach her hair blonde.
Why did the daddy peach teach the child peach to shave? He was starting to grow peach fuzz.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
Q: What kind of desserts does a turkey like?
A: Peach gobbler.
Mom: Why did you shave the peaches!
Dad: The recipe asked for nectarines.
My mother told me to leave the peach cobbler alone on the table. But I couldn't help but watch the cobbler make the beautiful peach shoes.
The peach couple is in love. They seem to be born for peach other.
Q: Why was the fruit not selected for the singing competition?
A: He has a flat peach.
You are the best, I feel so peachy when I am with you!
When the peach lost her mother, it left a deep pit in her heart.
This special peach school is for those Peach kids who are suffering from peach and hearing impairment.
If you are wondering about a peach's favorite game, it's peach ball.
One should always practice what they peach.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
Why didn’t the peach do well on its ACT? Because when it comes to education, it only gets a little STEM.
The fruit started to stutter as it was suffering from peach deterioration.
Whenever the peach father gets mad at his son, he just screams loudly: “You are the son of a peach!”
I tried calling my fruit friend thrice, but could not peach him, as his phone was out of peach.
The kindergarten kids were taught the alphabet and peach sounds at school.
The only fruit that makes me feel fuzzy and warm is a peach.
What does a cherry say when it delivers bad news? Don't fruit the messenger.The Peach President lost the presidential race because he got im-peached.
What was the Peach's favorite surf band from the 60's? The Peach Boys.
In the last peach race, I put $30 peach way on two new racers.
Sometimes, all you need is to shake a few trees to find the perfect peach for you.
"Personally, I like people who peach on time, and are always punctual," said the strawberry.
While breaking up with Princess Peach, Mario said "You are so peachy, I can't take it anymore".
If you are wondering about the most important constitutional right of a peach citizen, well, it's none other than freedom of peach.
What do fruit wear when they go swimming? A one-peach bathing suit.
Do you know what is the most favourite fruit in the United States? – Mmm peach!
Where do you put nectarines when you want to freeze them? Inside the peach-zer.
The nectarine academic is doing a Ph.D. in 'Peach and Language Psychology' from the University of Georgia.
What do peach soldiers say to each other before they are sent into combat? – “Good luck and make sure you come back in one peach!”
If you are wondering about the fuzziest character in the gaming world, well it is definitely Princess Peach.
Woman’s Rejection: Sorry. I don’t date guys I pit-y
Why did the peach go to the therapist? It was in a pit of despair.
Q: Why did the fruit stop for some time while driving?
A: It wanted to make a quick pit-stop
What did the Catholic Nectarine Priest say to the church? Peach be with you. It was a normal thing to hear from the pul-pit.
Why did the fruit run for president? He wanted world peach.
The guilty conscience of stealing and consuming a whole peach is getting to me. I feel like there's a pit in my gut.
The fruit politician is losing its support in the country because of hate peach.
An artist painted a wonderful fruit painting. It was a beautiful peach of work.
Wondering about a peach's favorite movie? Well it has to be the 'King's Peach'.
My banana grandad got in an accident last year, he bruised like a peach!
At a get-together, one fruit asked another "I was wondering how have you been". The other replied "Just peachy, isn't that grape?"
Who does the nectarine just do a hair transplant? Because it wants to become a peach.
After I show a peach the way, it says: “I really ap-peach-iate your help!”
What do we call a beautiful picture drawn by a peach artist? – It is a great peach of work.
When I got mugged on my way back from the greengrocers, I was peach-less!