Cherry Puns

We have cherry-picked some of the best cherry puns for you. Enjoy!

Cherry Puns

How do berries start off the fruity olympics? They cherry the Olympic torch around the globe.
Soft fruit is not always the best at doing research. They aren’t very thorough; they tend to cherry pick information.
American cherries generally do pretty well at high school. Many of them end up on the cherryleading squad.
Cherry pie can be a bit aggressive. Rumor has it they go around saying, “Hey! You want a piece of me?”
Why are cherries unassuming? Because they often get made into humble pie.
Q: Why are cherries never lonely?
A: Because they hang around in bunches.
Why did I start making a cherry pie? Bake-cause I love it.
Why is cherry pie so legendary? Because it is history in the baking.
If you eat too many cherries, you can sometimes end up with digestive issues. It really is the pits.
What do fruits look for at a talent show? A berry that can really cherry a tune.
What do fruits do when they are avoiding a problem? They cherry their heads in the sand.
What do you find if you hang from a cherry tree for hours and hours? You find that your arms get sore.
Did you know, you can actually hide a gigantic elephant in a cherry tree? All you need to do is paint its toenails red. I bet you don’t believe me – but have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? I rest my case.
There’s a great new rock and roll cover artist doing the rounds at the moment – his name is Chuck Cherry.
What happened to the cheery that showed up for the tomato auditions? He was called an imposter.
What did the fruit bowl say when it saw Santa Claus come down the chimney? We wish you a cherry Christmas!
Q: Why does the cherry have a hard time getting along with others?
A: It has crust issues.
Q: What do you get when you walk around with cherries in your shoes?
A: Toe jam.
Did you know you can make a really good music player out of a cherry cake? It’s called a gateau blaster.
What do red berries say during the season they love best? Cherry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
What do you do when you try to bake a cherry pie for the first time and it doesn't turn out so well? Just wait for the second bite of the cherry.
Q: Which basketball players eat fruits?
A: The ones who like to cherry pick.
What is the cherry fruit's favorite American talkshow? The Cherry Springer Show of course!
There's no need to cherry your feelings, I know you love me really.
Why did the cherry blossom tree seem scared when it was trying to make a cherry pie? Because it was baking like a leaf.
I spent last Christmas with a bunch of soft fruit. I kept getting confused with the toast – they were saying “Eat, drink and be cherry!”
Which fruity singer was a judge on 'The X Factor'? Cherry Cole.
Why do cherry trees smell?
Because George Washington cut one.
Hey you like cherry preserves ?
Never mind, its probably not your jam
What do cherries write in love letters? I miss you cherry-bly.
Q: What’s red and goes up and down, up and down?
A: A cherry in a lift.
What did the cherry say when it won its third Olympic gold medal? That's just the cherry on top of a successful career.
What do you call a cherry that is hard as nails? Tough as old fruits.
My friend mashed up some cherries on halloween and said they were blood. I was cherry-fied!
Why shouldn't you be too inquisitive with a cherry? Ask no questions tell no pies.
Swallowing a cherry stone is not the end of the world. It’s just one of life’s little pitfalls.
Is it bad to swallow a cherry whole? No don't worry, it's just one of the pitfalls of life.
What does a cherry say when it delivers bad news? Don't fruit the messenger.
What happened to the cherry that got married to an apple? They are living apple-y ever after.
Some cherry puns are just pit-i-ful.
Q: What’s red and invisible?
A: No cherries.
I recently went to a soft fruit party, where all the food was berry based. It was cherrific.
Q: Did you hear about the cherry that liked to explode?
A: It was da’ bomb.
What did one cherry say to the other cherry? If you weren't so tasty we wouldn't be in this jam.
How do two cherries make up after an argument? They cherry the hatchet.
What do cherries say to their best friends? You are cherrific!
Cherry pie will set you back 10 dollars in Antigua, but 15 in Barbados. Yes, those are the pie rates of the Caribbean.
Q: How do two cherries make up after an argument?
A: They cherry the hatchet.
What do two cherries say when they get married? I promise to cherry-ish you forever.
What do fruits do when they are really really afraid? They run away as fast as their legs can cherry them.