Cheese Puns

I hope we're not being too cheesy when we say you're gouda love our cheese puns!

Cheese Puns

What covers the floor of the motzarella forest?
Cheese sticks.
What do cheese makers dance to on halloween? The muenster mash!
What activity should you do when you’re babysitting little cheeses?
Build a roquefort.
What is a cheese lover’s favorite Village People song?
Nacho Man.
What do you get when you cross a smurf and a cow?
Blue cheese.
How do you get a mouse to smile?
Say cheese.
What do you call a flying cheese?
A curd of prey.
What is a cheese lover’s favorite rap artist?
Feta wap.
Where should you call if you find a bad cheese shop?
The feta business bureau.
What kind of cheese makes the best music?
What does a cheese like to drink after a long day?
Why does the Pope love Swiss cheese so much?
It’s hole-y.
Do you want to hear a pizza joke? Never mind it's too cheesy.
Why did the wheel act so bossy? Cause he was the "Big Cheese."
Why didn’t the chef slice his cheese?
He had grater plans.
How did the cheese professor start class every day?
Oh queso…
Did you hear about the cheese shop that was destroyed by a tornado?
All that’s left is da brie.
What do you call a grilled cheese sandwich that's all up in your face? Too close for comfort food.
What do you call an oriental cheese? Parm-asian
What is a cheese lover’s favorite musician?
What cheese is made backwards?
What did one cheese tell the other cheese on Valentine’s day?
Brie mine.
What did one cheese say to the other during philosophy class?
“I dis a brie.”
What drives cheese crazy?
That everyone around them is crackers.
What group of cheese has been known to fly? Curds of prey!
What does a piece of cheese tell you during a game of tag?
Cheez it.
What does a real cheese freak say when they come to your door?
“I’d like to talk to you about Cheesus.”
Why couldn’t the cheese sleep?
He was scared there was a munster under the bed.
What do you call referential cheese?
What is the name of the country near Iraq that is made entirely of cheese? Curd-istan
Did you hear about the guy who opened up a store where they only sell Swiss cheese?
It’s a hole business strategy.
What did Shakespeare say as he was making a cheese plate?
To brie or not to brie.
Why do cheeses make bad musicians?
They’re always sharp.
What cheese surrounds a medieval castle? Moatzeralla
What do you get when you cross a goblin and cheese? Muenster cheese.
Which is the most religious cheese? Swiss, because it is holy.
What do you call cheese who attends art openings?
What did the Cheese salesman say? That cheese may be Gouda, but this one is Feta!
What does a cheese say when you ask him to share a secret?
He cantal.
What did the cheese say after escaping the mouse? I'm Brieeee!
Why did the cheese get in trouble?
It was up to no gouda.
What do they say when you leave the cheese store?
Have a gouda day!
What did mutter say to paneer? Tu cheese badi hai mast mast.
What is a basketball players favorite kind of cheese? Swish cheese!
Did you hear what happened when the decorator painted his wife with cheese? He double Gloucester!
What did the mom cheese tell the little boy cheese when he got hurt on his bike?
“Gotta take the gouda with the bad.”
When do they smother a burrito in cheese? In best queso scenario.
What is a lions favourite cheese? Roar-quefort
How do you know it’s getting kind of serious with a cheese lover?
They tell you they are pretty fondue you.
What is a cannibal's favourite cheese? Limburger