Tea Puns

Don't worry for your saftea! You can enjoy these Tea Puns with utter safetea!

Tea Puns

What kind of tea did the American colonists want? Liberty.
What can you only drink in the Middle East? Dust-Tea.
What is a ghost pirate’s favorite kind of tea?
Boo tea!
What did Katy Perry drink when she was little? Bust-Tea.
Why did the hipster burn his tongue? Because he drank his tea before it was cool.
What do dogs like to drink? Kit-Tea.
What does a worry wart drink? Safe-Tea.
Why don't the Maple Leafs drink tea? Because the Canadiens and Red Wings have all the cups.
What drink brings you down to earth? Gravi-Tea.
What do people with ambition drink? Loft-Tea.
What drink scares defense lawyers? Guilt-Tea.
What do sophisticated fish drink? Salt-Tea.
Why do Communists only drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft.
Why did the teapot get in trouble? Because he was Naught-Tea.
What do you drink if you want to freshen your breath? Mint-Tea.
What drink do goalies hate? Penal-tea.
What do you call a dentist who doesn't like tea? Denis.
What do murderers drink? Cruel-tea.
What do you drink before you audition for "The Voice" ? Tea-Lo Green
What drink do you need to steal? Virgin-tea. Why do hipsters only drink iced tea? Because ice was water before it was cool.
What drink breaks the ice? Flirt-Tea. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.
What's the opposite of Green Tea? Fat-Tea.
What's the difference between England and a tea bag? The tea bag stays in the cup longer.
What do politicans need to drink? Honest-Tea.
What do you drink with the Queen of England? Royal-Tea.
When shouldn't you drink a hot beverage? If it's not your cup of tea.
How does a vampire make tea? With a used tampon.
What do you call a healthy dinosaur? Tea-Rex.
How long does it take to brew Chinese tea? Oolong time.
What did four of the last five presidents drink? Left-Tea.
What kind of celebration pays down the national debt? A tea party.
What kind of tea do babies drink? Tit Tea.
What do you call a talkative drink? Chai Tea.