Potato Puns

This potato puns' category is so much fun, you can call it a hot potato!

Potato Puns

Why did the potato wear socks?
To keep his pota-toes warm.
Tony, where do I even starch? I yam so happy we’re best spuds!
I yam rooting for you my sweet potato and I won't mash your heart
What’s a potato’s favorite TV program? Starch Trek.
I miss you! I’ll see you tater!
Who is a potato’s favorite author? Edgar Allen Poe-tato.
My love for you sprouts more and more everyday!
I love you a tot!
When potato chips don’t sell fast enough, the maker knows it will soon be crunch time.
What’s a potatoes favorite horror movie? The Silence of the Yams.
Why was the potato put in an asylum? It was starch raving mad.
What do you call a potato that’s reluctant to jump into boiling water? A hesi-tater.
“I can’t breathe” One potato said to the other. “What happened? ” The other said. The potato replied “I
feel I dropped my nose somewhere”