Pizza Puns

Pizza, the food of champions (and ninja turtles)! This is where you'll find the funniest pizza puns online!

Pizza Puns

Why does Satan not eat the bread part of the pizza?
Because he's the Anti-Crust!
What do pizza delivery guys and porn stars both see too much of?
Stiff tips.
How do you fix a broken pizza?
With tomato paste.
Why did the hipster burn his lips?
He ate his pizza before it was cool.
What did the boss say to his pizza during their meeting?
There’s mushroom for improvement.
What is a pizza’s favorite movie?
Pie hard.
This pizza party is the perfect topping to a great summer.
You and I make a deluxe combo.
Why does the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties?
Because he’s such a fungi!
What did the pizza say when it asked the topping out on a date?
I never sausage a beautiful face.
Join us for a slice of fun.
“Waiter, will my pizza be long?”
“No sir, it will be round!”
Where do pepperonis go on vacation?
The Leaning Tower of Pizza.