Pizza Puns

Pizza, the food of champions (and ninja turtles)! This is where you'll find the funniest pizza puns online!

Pizza Puns

Did you hear about the Italian chef with the terminal illness?
He pastaway. Now he’s just a pizza history.
hat did the pizza slicer say when he wanted to rob the pizza?
“Hand over the dough or I’ll cut you!”
What type of person doesn’t like pizza?
A weir-dough.
Where do pepperonis go on vacation?
The Leaning Tower of Pizza.
Why does the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties?
Because he’s such a fungi!
You and I make a deluxe combo.
I have so mushroom in my heart for you.
It’s time to think outside the pizza box.
This pizza party is the perfect topping to a great summer.
Join us and let’s make pizza cheese grate again.
Join us for a slice of fun.
What does a pizza wear to smell good?
What did the pizza say to the delivery guy?
“You don’t pepper-own me.”

…and what did the delivery guy say in reply?
“Hey now, don’t get saucy.”