Corn Puns

Lend us your ears for some hilarious Corn Puns!

Corn Puns

What did the farmer say when someone complimented him on his corn harvest?
Aww, shucks!
Did you hear about the corn stalk that changed careers?
He went into a different field!
What is a corn's favorite song?
Corn fields forever.
Don't tell secrets in corn fields.
Too many ears around.
Some people say popcorn is hard to chew. There’s a kernel of truth to that.
Why did the corn farmer go to jail?
He was stalking someone in a field.
Corn mazes should be renamed Maize mazes.
Why shouldn’t you take corn on an airplane?
Your ears will pop!
just witnessed a chicken try to pick up a piece of corn for 5 minutes,
In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.
What do you call someone who’s crazy about corn?
A corn-ivore!
Who is the corniest baseball player of all time?
Ty Cobb!
I didn’t have a map of the corn maze, so I had to play it by ear.
What did the baby corn call his dad?
Pop corn!
What do you call a pair of cornstalks that are best friends?
Ear buds!
What did the boy say when his mom made him prepare the corn for supper?
This shucks!
How did the corn farmer get to be so successful?
He corn-ered the market!
I really like corn, but I can't find it because this time of year it's never in stalk
What did the corn farmer give to his therapist?
An ear full.
I got arrested for the way I eat corn.
They charged me with a salt and buttery.
What happened to the football team that practiced in a corn field?
They got creamed!
What did baby corn say to Mama corn?
Where's Popcorn?
What did the corn say when it was being followed?
“I’m being stalked!”
How much does a corn flake weigh?
1 Kelloggram.
Why did the corn stalks hold a ceremony in honor of the scarecrow?
To corn-gratulate him for being out standing in their field!
What do you call a single, solitary kernel of corn?
A unicorn!