Spice Puns

If your life feel dull and tasteless, it's time to spice them up with our hot Spice Puns!

Spice Puns

Did you hear about the flatmate who woke up to a spicy toothbrush? He had it cumin.
Why do baby seals swim in salt water? Cause pepper water makes them sneeze.
What kind of socks do you need to plant cayenne pepper? Garden hose!
What do cloves use for money? Garlic "Bread."
Who did the Caribbean jerk fall in love with? The Spice Girl next door.
When do you put paprika on eggs? Fry-Day.
Why did the Iron Chef have to stop cooking? He ran out of Thyme.
How does the recipe for German Sauerbraten begin? "First invade ze kitchen."
What does a good spice rack help you win? The Hunger Games.
Have you heard of the garlic diet? You don't lose much weight, but from a distance your friends think you look thinner!
What does a nosey pepper do? Gets Jalapeno business.