Spice Puns

If your life feel dull and tasteless, it's time to spice them up with our hot Spice Puns!

Spice Puns

Have you heard of the garlic diet? You don't lose much weight, but from a distance your friends think you look thinner!
What did baby clock ask mama clock? Where's father Thyme.
I caught the chef sticking his hand in the cooking pot. He looked at me and said...
"I was just feeling a little chili."
What kind of socks do you need to plant cayenne pepper? Garden hose!
How should you live your life? By seasoning the moment.
How does a restaurant get the freshest ingredients? They cut a dill.
What does a nosey pepper do? Gets Jalapeno business.
Teacher: What are the seasons? Student: Salt, pepper, ginger...
What happened when a farmer crossed a chili pepper, a shovel, and a pitbull? He got a hot-diggity-dog.
What do you get when you spice up date night? Netflix and Chilis.
So I was cleaning my spice cabinet...
and now I have a lot of thyme on my hands!