Cookie Puns

These puns are no cookie cutter! They are the real, sugary, funny Cookie Puns everyone can enjoy!

Cookie Puns

What do you call someone who steals from the keebler elves? A crook-ie
What kind of cookies do poor people want during Halloween? Fortune cookies.
What’s the perfect gift for someone who is always raisin’ the bar? Oatmeal
When should you take a cookie to the doctor? When it feels crummy. What do the cookie and the computer have in common? They both have chips.
What is green and brown and crawls through the grass? A Girl Scout who has lost her cookie.
Know what kind of cookies rich people love? Fortune cookies.
Why did the cookie monster rob the keebler elves? Because they had a lot of dough.
What happened to the zombie that made him visit the doctor? He had a crummy feeling.
What do ghoul scouts hope to achieve by selling halloween cookies? They hope to make a good first impression.
What’s the best thing you can put in a halloween cookie? Your teeth.