Cookie Puns

These puns are no cookie cutter! They are the real, sugary, funny Cookie Puns everyone can enjoy!

Cookie Puns

What made the baby cookie cry so loud? His mother was a wafer so long.
Why do basketball players love cookies? Because they can dunk them!
What cookie makes you rich? A fortune cookie!
What kind of cookies do vulcans love? Spockolate chips.
What’s the best thing you can put in a halloween cookie? Your teeth.
How can you make a computer system cry? Delete his cookies.
What happened to the zombie that made him visit the doctor? He had a crummy feeling.
Why did the cookie monster rob the keebler elves? Because they had a lot of dough.
Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? Because it lost its filling
Why did the cookie cry? Because his mother was a wafer so long! Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?