Banana puns

These puns are sure to drive you bananas! They're just so silly. Now that you've been warned... welcome to our BANANA PUNS!

Banana puns

One day a apple saw a banana without its peel. The apple asked banana, where is your peel? He replied, people are always taking off my clothes.
They're not going to grow bananas any longer.
Apparently, they're long enough already.
What do you call two banana skins?
A pair of slippers.
Why don't bananas snore?
Because they don't want to wake up the rest of the bunch.
What do you call a banana who gets all the girls?
A banana smoothie.
How do playful monkeys go down the stairs?
They slide down the banana-ster!
Why do bananas have to wear sunscreen?
Because they peel.
How can you tell the difference between a monster and a banana? Try picking it up. If you can't, it's either a monster or a giant banana.
Why do banana's do so well on the dating scene? Because they have Appeal!