Banana puns

These puns are sure to drive you bananas! They're just so silly. Now that you've been warned... welcome to our BANANA PUNS!

Banana puns

What is yellow and goes bzzzzzz? An electric banana.
Someone who eats bananas must like them a whole bunch.
What do you call two banana skins?
A pair of slippers.
How do playful monkeys go down the stairs?
They slide down the banana-ster!
My wife's been on a banana diet.
She hasn't lost any weight, but you should see her climb trees now!
Did you hear about the banana who went to the doctor's because he wasn't peeling very well?
How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster!
I was walking down the street when I stood on a banana.
Luckily, I was wearing my Slipknot t-shirt.
What do you call bananas that don't stick up for themselves? A bunch of pansies.