Irish Puns

These Irish puns will have you Dublin up with laughter!

Irish Puns

Be-leaf me, you look great in green.
I’m a clover, not a fighter.
Do you be-leaf in magic?
My grandma is 80% Irish.
People call her Iris.
Remember, Irish puns on St. Patrick's Day don't just shame you. They Seamus all.
You’re my lucky charm.
Irish I had better jokes.
In Ireland, I call the shots.
Don’t worry, Moher pictures are coming.
Why did the two Irish men fight amongst themselves?
They can’t find any other worthy opponents.
When does a leprechaun cross the road?
Just like everyone - when it's green!
Why did Saint Patrick drive the snakes out of Ireland?
They were causing mass hiss-teria!
How does every Irish joke start?
By looking over your shoulder.
In Ireland, they really like to ham it up.
Ireland is pitcher perfect.
I saw some leprechauns putting coins in the vending machine but in vain. They were using lepre-coins.
Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
Real rocks are too heavy.
What do you call a big Irish spider?
A Paddy long legs.
I’m a small Irish creature who has been diagnosed with a serious sickness. It’s Leprechronic.
What do you say if you lose a game on St. Patrick's Day?
Game clover.
I told my friend that our old school friend is coming to attend St Patrick's feast. She was surprised. She asked, "O'Reilly?"
What type of music should you play at a St. Patrick’s Day party?
Ireland always leaves me wanting Moher.
Did you hear Ireland is the fastest-growing country in Europe?
Its population is always Dublin.
How was the lepre-con caught?
By an under-clover police officer!
The food here is quite so-fish-ticated.
I’m ready to shamrock and roll.
March 17 is near, and I am so excited about it. The clover it gets, the more excited I become.
Did you hear about the Irish potato that immigrated?
He became a French fry.
St. Patrick’s is all about the pursuit of hoppiness!
It ain’t over till it’s clover.
Irish potatoes are spud-tacular.
When I went to my favorite Irish cafe after years, I felt deja brew all over again.
What do you call a fake Irish stone?
A shamrock.
Dublin over in laughter.
What's Irish and stays out all night?
Paddy O'Furniture.
Ireland is a little lamb-boyant.
A trip to Ireland always lifts my spirits.