Book Puns

Reading is a beautiful thing, and we're eager for you to read our Book Puns!

Book Puns

Leave poetry to the prose.
A book fell on my head. I can only blame my shelf.
When I think about books, I touch my shelf.
This book of spells was useless. The author forgot to run spell check.
Readers do it by the book.
Feeling my shelf.
These book puns have tickled your spine.
Check your shelf before you wreck your shelf.
Readers do it between the covers (or alternately, readers do it between the sheets).
What’s the longest word in the dictionary? Smiles because there’s a mile between each s.
I’m reading a book about anti-gravity and it’s impossible to put down.
I read dead people.
Writers are cold because they’re surrounded by drafts.
Stay true to your shelf.
Reading is a novel idea.
I like big books and I cannot lie.
Talk literary to me.
Treat yo shelves.
Take a page from the book and leaf.
Have you read the book about hands? It’s a real page turner.
Better read than dead.
What do you call someone who rips up books?
A tear-orist.
Books are my kind of texts.
Bookworms take shelfies.
The high school music teacher was controversial for having his students read band books.
The book about Mount Everest had quite a cliff hanger.
My weekend is fully booked.
Why don’t readers have extra time? They’re booked.
This weekend is going to be LITerary.
I am reading a horror story in Braille.
Someone is going die, I can feel it.
I have no shelf control.
Every book has some flaws and mistakes, no matter how good the editor. It’s bound to happen.
Where my prose at?