Bible Puns

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Bible Puns

Why did some cardinals get their feathers ruffled?
The Pope gave away the church’s nest egg to the poor.
Who’s the patron saint of poverty?
St. Nickeless.
What car make did the Apostles drive?
Honda… because the apostles were all in one Accord.
Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
Samson. He brought the house down.
Which servant of God was the worst lawbreaker in the Bible?
Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once.
Why did the hawk sit on the church’s steeple?
It was a bird of pray.
Where is the first baseball game in the Bible?
In the big inning. Eve stole first, Adam stole second. Cain struck out Abel. The Giants and the Angels were rained out.
What kind of man was Boaz before he married?
Who was the smartest man in the Bible?
Abraham. He knew a Lot.
How does Moses make his coffee?
Hebrews it.
Where was Solomon’s temple located?
On the side of his head.
What’s a salesman’s favorite Scripture passage?
The Great Commission.
Who’s the arch-enemy of the Gsus chord?
The Dmin chord.
What is a dentist’s favorite hymn?
Crown Him with Many Crowns.