Pun Puns

Yes, it DOES exist, this is the infamous Pun Puns section! It may mess with your head...

Pun Puns

What did the pun mom say to the new pun dad?
We have a pun in the oven!
Boss: "How good are you at PowerPoint?"
Me: "I Excel at it."
Boss: "Was that a Microsoft Office pun?"
Me: "Word."
I've already heard seven cancer puns today.
If I hear tumor it's gonna benign.
Why did the pun fail his English class?
He didn't use proper pun-ctuation!
What's a pun's favorite movie?
It's a Punderful Life!
Did you expect to laugh at puns?
No, but they've groan on me!
Why was the pun a bad comedian?
He never got the pun-chline right!
How would you describe a pun about a pun?
They're pun-ishingly bad!
What type of apartment does a pun live in?
The pun-thouse!
What did the pun say to his annoying colleague?
You're being pun-reasonable right now!
Puns make me numb, but math puns make me...
Why do thieves have a hard time understanding puns?
Because they take things literally!
If you can think of a better fish pun than me
Then let minnow.
There’s a room with two tables and ten people. One table has soup, and the other table has a punch bowl. All ten people are lined up at the soup table.
Now’s when you ask: where’s the punchline?
What's a pun's favorite love song?
"My Punny Valentine!"
What do you call a broken can opener?
A can't opener
Have you ever tried to write your own puns?
It's a fairly difficult pun-dertaking!
What happened when the pun misbehaved in school?
He was pun-alized with detention!
Some say that puns aren't very funny, while others take them very seriously...
I guess the one thing we can all agree on is that puns are no joke.
What's a pun's best trait?
His pun-ctuality!
How were these puns about puns?
They were pun-questionably pun-fortunate!
WOOD you tell give some wood puns?
How do knights communicate?
They use chain mail.
What did they use to set off the amazon warehouse fire?
Amazon kindle.
Why did the two puns go to camp together?
They wanted to be pun-kmates!
What a pun's dream job?
To be an acu-pun-cturist!