Worm Puns

Have you wormed your way to our Worm Puns section at last? We've been squirming with anticipation...

Worm Puns

What did one glow worm said to the other one?
You glow girl!
What do you get if you cross a glow worm with a python? A 15 foot strip light that can strangle you to death.
What’s the difference between a worm and pumpkin?
Have you ever tried worm pie?
What do you get if you cross a worm and a young goat?
A dirty kid!
What’s a snow princess’s glow worm’s favourite song?
Let it Glow, Let it Glow!
Why are worms so easy to get along with?
Because they are always down to Earth.
What do worms leave round their baths? The scum of the earth.
How can you tell if you are looking at a police glow worm? it has a blue light.