Mouse Puns

Use your computer mouse and prepare your cheese! Welcome to our MOUSE PUNS!

Mouse Puns

What's gray and furry on the inside and white on the outside? A mouse sandwich!
What does the mouse say to its mate? "Were like crackers and cheese"
What goes dot, dot, dash, squeak?
Mouse code!
Which condiment is a mouse’s favourite?
What’s a mouse favourite family sitcom?
Full Mouse.
What do you call a mouse who can pick up a horse? Sir!
What kind of musical instrument do mice play? A mouse organ! Why do mice have long tails? Well, they'd look silly with long hair!
What did Tom get when he locked Jerry in the freezer? Mice cubes!
Why was the mouse afraid of the water?
Who has large antlers, a high voice and wears white gloves? Mickey Moose!
What kind of musical instrument do mice play?
A mouse organ!
What do you get if you try to cross a mouse with a skunk?
Dirty looks from the mouse!
What is gray, hairy and lives on a mans face? A mouse-tache!
What is a mouse’s favorite game?
Hide and squeak!
What do you call a mouse with no balls?
What’s gray, squeaky and hangs around in caves?
What’s the sequel to that?
Fuller mouse!
How does a mouse feel after it takes a shower?
Squeaky clean!
What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth? Hard cheese!
Why did the mouse stay inside? Because it was raining cats and dogs.
What mouse was a Roman emperor? Julius Cheeser!
What squeaks as it solves crimes?
Miami mice!
What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat? 'Here Kitty, kitty, kitty'!
What is small, furry and brilliant at sword fights?
A mouseketeer!
Why are elephants scared of computers?
Because of the mouse.
How do mice celebrate when they move home? With a mouse warming party!
Why did the mouse stay inside?
Because it was raining cats and dogs.