Duck Puns

These duck puns are sure to make you quack up!

Duck Puns

At What Time Does A Duck Wake Up?
At the quack of dawn.
Did You Hear About The Duck Who Thought He Was a Squirrel?
It was one tough nut to quack.
What Do You Call A Clever Duck?
A wise quacker
Why did the duck go to the bank?
Because he wanted to get a new bill.
Why Was The Teacher Annoyed With The Duck?
Because he wouldn't quit quackin' jokes!
Top 25 Funniest Duck Names:

1. James Pond

2. Quack Sparrow

3. Duck Norris

4 Quacks-a-Lot

5 Quackhead

6 Quacko

7. Quackers

8. Nutquacker

9. Quacker Jack

10. Quack Efron

11. Quack Black

12. Moby Duck

13. Quackula

14. Sir Duckington

15. Eggbert

16. Quackers

17. Duckleberry Finn

18. Quacker Jack

19. Lucky Duck

20. Cheese and quackers

21. Quaker Jack

22. Duckingham Palace


24. Quackie Chan

25 Firequacker
What happens when a duck flies upside down?
It quacks up
Why did the duck detective get the key to the city?
Because he quacked the case.
What do get if you cross a duck and Santa?
A Christmas Quacker.
What do you call a duck with fangs?
Count Duckula.
Which side of a duck has the most feathers?
The outside.
What did the drug diller say to the duck?
Are you on quack?