Canadian Pick Up Lines

Use these funny pick up lines to impress someone Canadian.

Canadian Pick Up Lines

You’ve got beauty like Petit Champlain and curves like Bonhomme.
On scale of one to 10, you’re a poutine.
My feelings for you are Mont-real.
Unlike the Leafs, I will never let you down.
You must be Niagara Falls because you’ve taken my breath away.
Call me Kathleen Wynne ‘cause I’d spend all my money on you.
Are you maple syrup? ‘Cause you taste so sweet.
You had me at taco.
I put the “man” in Manitoba.
Will you be the Flin to my Flon?
Let's procreate like the snakes in the Narcisse Dens.
Wanna make out in my Tundra Buggy?
My heart is as desolate as Saskatchewan without you.
We fit together like a gitch in a wedgie.
You know what they say, wheat fields are made for sowing.
I can love you more than a cowboy loves a fat calf.
Girl, you're such a Banff (i.e., a Bad Ass, Nice, And Fascinating Female).
You must be Drumheller, ‘cause I totally dig you.
Ya gotta check it out. My water bed is full of beer.
Were you born on the Bluenose? Because baby, you're a dime.
Until I saw you, I didn't believe I'd ever see an arctic fox.
My friends have been calling me a loon, because I'm crazy about you.
Let’s go to my place. I’d like to show you my puck collection.
I've seen a lot of Canada, but you could take me to the top of the world.
I'm waking up at 5am for hockey. But I would stay up all night for you.
I'm cold just thinking about Canada. Let's cuddle.
I wish I was Tim Horton's coffee…So I could get close to your lips.
I saw you and I pictured us as swans, we could mate for life.
How about we play a fun game called Haida totem pole?
Help me score one more time for team Canada?
Get that red light ready, because you and I are about to score.
Fall hardly happens here, but You'll be falling for me.
Do you like my cologne? It’s derived from the musk gland of the industrious beaver.
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Also Did you utilize Canada's public healthcare system to help ease that pain?
Are you into hockey? That's great because I'd like to score.
Are you from Canada? Because if you're wondering if you can go out on a date with me, well, you CAN–UH-DUH!
Are you a beaver? Because I like your tail.
Haida there, gorgeous.