Funny Food Quotes

These hilarious food quotes will make your tummy growl and your mouth smile wholeheartedly!

Funny Food Quotes

"In these difficult times, when so many people are having trouble finding enough to eat, we are extending the “five-second rule” to a full ten seconds."
– Ron Piraro
"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee."
– Abraham Lincoln
"Fettucini alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults."
– Mitch Hedberg
"I'm not sure how the average American would differentiate National Dessert Day from any other day."
– Andy Borowitz
"When we put vegetables up for the winter, we use jars, but we call it canning. I find that jarring. And uncanny."
– Greg Tamblyn
"I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight."
– Rita Rudner
"I would like to find a stew that will give me heartburn immediately, instead of at three o'clock in the morning."
– John Barrymore
"The trouble with eating Italian food is that, five or six days later, you're hungry again."
– George Miller
"Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks."
– Marilyn Wann
"Popcorn for breakfast! Why not? It’s a grain. It’s like, like, grits, but with high self-esteem."
– James Patterson
"Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first."
– Ernestine Ulmer
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
– J.R.R. Tolkien
"We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie."
– David Mamet
"Never trust a skinny cook."
– Iain Hewitson
"A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do."
– P. J. O’Rourke
"If I hold a can of soda up to my ear and listen carefully, I can hear my bones pleading for a glass of milk."
– Bridger Winegar
"Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos."
– Don Kardong
"I don't share blame. I don't share credit. And I don't share desserts"
– Beverly Sills
"I am not a glutton – I am an explorer of food."
– Erma Bombeck
"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans."
— Ronald Reagan
“I want to tell you about the "sausage principle." The theory says, "If you love something, never try to find out how it is done."”
― Unknown
“Swiss cheese differs from Camembert by better ventilation.”
― Unknown
“Another day, another 13,000 calories.”
— Andy Lassner
“When life hands you lemons, give them back. You deserve chocolate.”
― Unknown
“I’m glad I don’t have to hunt my own food, I don’t even know where sandwiches live.”
― Unknown
“Diet day #1: All the unhealthy food has been removed from the house. It was delicious.”
― Unknown
“Stomach: I will now demonstrate a blue whale’s mating call.”
― Unknown
“Don’t believe everything fortune cookies tell you. Just because they’re sweet doesn’t mean they’re right.”
― Unknown
“Being a beaver is nice, if you’re hungry you just eat a piece of your home.”
― Unknown
“Being a couch potato is dangerous, someone may get hungry and eat you!”
― Unknown
“I eat cake every day because somewhere out there it’s someone’s birthday and I like to celebrate.”
― Unknown
“A cookie a day keeps the sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back.”
― Unknown
“If you know how many cupcakes I’m holding behind my back I’ll give you both of them.”
― Unknown
“An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough.”
― Unknown
“I thought about losing weight once, but I don’t like losing.”
― Unknown
“How do I like my eggs? In a cake.”
― Unknown
“I’m like Pacman when I’m at a party, I eat everything and run away from anyone coming close to me.”
― Unknown
“I bought a calming tea but the smell and taste is making me nervous.”
― Unknown
“You know you are getting old when the candles on your birthday cake start to cost more than the cake itself.”
― Unknown
“Some people can eat anything they want and stay slim. I put on weight just by reading the recipe.”
― Unknown
“Nutrition labels should include a “What if I ate the whole thing” section.”
― Unknown
“My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way.”
― Henny Youngman
“All my life I thought air was free until I bought a bag of chips.”
― Unknown
“I have a passion for not cooking.”
― Unknown
“I didn’t get this physique by not eating tacos.”
― Jon Tester
“Little known fact, gentlemen. Tacos are the food of genius.”
― Heather Brewer
“Everything goes better with tacos.”
― Rachel Caine
“I thought I’d become an actress, but then I realized I eat too much.”
― Chelsea Handler
“When you are stressed you eat ice cream, cake, chocolate and sweets because stressed spelled backward is desserts.”
― Unknown
“Who knew that the hardest part of being an adult is figuring out what to cook for dinner every single night for the rest of your life.”
― Unknown