Peach Puns

These funny peach puns will leave you s-peach-less.

Peach Puns

Q: Why could the fruits not see anything?
A: It was peach black there.
The only fruit that makes me feel fuzzy and warm is a peach.
The fruit politician is losing its support in the country because of hate peach.
Unlike peaches, nectarines don't have any fuzz, because they suffer from Alo-peach-ea.
During the summer break, I enrolled myself in a peach coding course.
My mother told me to leave the peach cobbler alone on the table. But I couldn't help but watch the cobbler make the beautiful peach shoes.
What do fruit wear when they go swimming? A one-peach bathing suit.
Why did the peach go to the therapist? It was in a pit of despair.
Sometimes, all you need is to shake a few trees to find the perfect peach for you.
What do we call the period in between eating a peach? – It is called a pit stop.
The peach started acting all funny because it was really fuzzy.
I tried calling my fruit friend thrice, but could not peach him, as his phone was out of peach.
A peach biologist was looking for a peach-tree-dish for his upcoming experiment.
The nectarine academic is doing a Ph.D. in 'Peach and Language Psychology' from the University of Georgia.
What's a vampire's most favorite fruit? It must be a neck-tarine peach.
Q: Why did no one like peach’s personality?
A: Because it had a heart of stone.
This special peach school is for those Peach kids who are suffering from peach and hearing impairment.
Q: Why was the fruit not selected for the singing competition?
A: He has a flat peach.
The IT peach-guy is an expert in the field of peach synthesis.
Wondering about a peach's favorite movie? Well it has to be the 'King's Peach'.
The retiring orchard gardener made a farewell peach that was really heart-warming.
My banana grandad got in an accident last year, he bruised like a peach!
The kindergarten kids were taught the alphabet and peach sounds at school.
Q: What kind of desserts does a turkey like?
A: Peach gobbler.
What do they do when the fruit educator is sick? They bring in a substitute peacher.
Whenever the peach father gets mad at his son, he just screams loudly: “You are the son of a peach!”
What’s the best time to eat a peach while watching a NASCAR race? During the pit stop!
The peach sports organization rended a commercial peach for a game of peach ball.
A fruit was madly in love, it was peachy–keen.
I am a peach, and when my husband accompanies me, we are a pear.
Recently in a meeting at the greengrocer I work at, I asked my manager how he was doing. "Just peachy", he replied.
If you are wondering about a peach's favorite game, it's peach ball.
While leaving, the peach friend told his sad buddy, "If you need any help, just peach out, I will be there."
Did you hear about the scientist that studied nectarines? He won the Nobel Peach Prize.
After I show a peach the way, it says: “I really ap-peach-iate your help!”
When the peach lost her mother, it left a deep pit in her heart.
If you are wondering about a peach's favorite video game, well it's definitely 'Super Princess Peach'.
What does a cherry say when it delivers bad news? Don't fruit the messenger.The Peach President lost the presidential race because he got im-peached.
He was showing off his new gaming gadget, "it has the latest peach recognition technology" he said.
What was the Peach's favorite surf band from the 60's? The Peach Boys.
The United Nations gave its members a basket of peaches on 21 September - the International Peach Day.
I went to watch a play and there were so many peach errors in the dialogues.
I heard that my neighbor, who loved dried fruit, has passed away. May his soul rest in peach.
Why did the man continue to eat whole peaches? Because he has a bottomless pit.
Why does it take a while before a peach leaves a fruit basket? They have to give a goodbye peach first.
Q: Where do fruits manufacture their money?
A: Peach Mint.
The peach couple is in love. They seem to be born for peach other.
Q: What video games do fruits play?
A: Peach ball.
Those people are preparing peach gelato because they want to demonstrate their rights to freeze peach!
When the peach pit farewell to his friend, he said, "See you later, peach out".