Food short jokes and puns

Hungry for some delicious puns? Then you've come to the right category, as this is all food-related puns and short jokes!

Food short jokes and puns

I tried telling a joke while drinking my juice for breakfast, but nobody got my punch line.
A cup of coffee is the ideal start to a brew-tiful morning!
I'm not too fond of not finishing my entire bowl of cereal. I think I have irritable bowl syndrome.
A cow usually prefers to eat moo-sli for breakfast.
When you accidentally step on a cheerio, you become a cereal killer.
The bread actor was sad because he lost a juicy roll.
The local baker keeps punching his doughy friend because he wants to get a rise out of him.
What is the most sophisticated class of bread?
The upper crust.
When the bread started crying because it was toast, the loaf told him, "You deserve butter."
When everyone agreed with Hulk at breakfast that they love waffles more, he said, "Not all heroes wear crepes."
A person who only loves himself and waffles in the entire world is an Eggomaniac.
Don't be too harsh on the bread. All it kneads is love.
Breakfasts with my family always feel like a party because they're always making toasts.
A thesaurus' favorite thing to eat for breakfast is a synonym roll.
Don't drink too much coffee after breakfast. You might face a latte problems.
Bananas, for breakfast, are such an a-peeling choice.
I keep thinking I'll make breakfast pancakes, but I end up waffling.
He is a humble husband. Unlike others, he never blows his crumpet after making breakfast for his wife everyday.
What do dogs love to eat for breakfast?
The pancake thought he was the best breakfast food because nobody stacked up to him.
"I'd like to make a toast!", said the bread to the bride on her wedding day.
"Thanks a brunch for the meal!", said the punny man when he sat to eat.
I hate it when I run out of bread for breakfast. I am lack-toast intolerant.
There’s muffin I wouldn’t do for breakfast.
When the egg saw the pan, it was terri-fried.
My brother gave me whole milk, but I can only have nut milk with my cereal. How dairy!
The pancake was quiet because it did not like to waffle.
I stopped for lunch at a German restaurant, but unfortunately got food poisoning. It really was the wurst.
Why does a cow hate artificial milk? Because the substance is pow-dairy.
Which book will be preferred by a man who sells milk? Cream and Punishment.
Why could I not imagine to have milk in the afternoon? Because it was beyond my wildest creams.
What would you call someone who cheats others while selling milk? A skim artist.
I tried wild ox milk
Turns out I'm yak-tose intolerant
Basketball players always drop cookies into their milk.
That way, it's a slam dunk.
You have two cows, but only milk one. Your friend asks you…
"What about the udder one?"
Where did the milk write everything about her life? In her dairy.
What do you call a fat kid who likes chocolate milk?
An OvalTeen
If there was a material made of milk which could store electricity... would be called buttery.
Don't use raw milk to make butter
It's not worth the whisk
Which cow has great pickup lines? A cow which is smooth as milk.
So I asked Satan if he had any milk I could drink...
He told me "No whey in Hell!"
How do you milk sheep ?
Release another iPhone.
What do you get when you drink milk
A moostache
What do you call a bee that makes a milk?
What did the cow say to his friend when they met twice in the same day? “What a cow-incidence!”
Why did the cow fall down while being milked? Because the rug was pulled out from udder it.
Why is milk taller than you?
Because it's always pasteurize
What would you call a dairy product that is horrible? “Udder bullshit.”
I introduced chocolate to milk. They did a chocolate milk shake.
I thought I'd have some evaporated milk on my pudding. But when I opened it, it was empty.