Cheese Puns

I hope we're not being too cheesy when we say you're gouda love our cheese puns!

Cheese Puns

What group of cheese has been known to fly? Curds of prey!
Why doesn't cheddar like to party with crackers? Someone always cuts the cheese.
What is a cannibal's favourite cheese? Limburger
Saw a great offer on cheese in Tesco today!
It was buy one get one brie.
What did mutter say to paneer? Tu cheese badi hai mast mast.
What is the name of the country near Iraq that is made entirely of cheese? Curd-istan
What is a pirate’s favorite cheese?
Did you hear about the guy who forgot to use the colander when making mac and cheese?
His wife gave him a restraining order.
What is a cheese lover’s favorite Village People song?
Nacho Man.
What does a lady in a mall do with a cheesey credit card? Go on a shopping brie.
What’s a good way to start a conversation with a cheese plate on Tinder?
“Hello. Is it brie you’re looking for?”
What is a basketball players favorite kind of cheese? Swish cheese!
What hotel do cheese lover’s stay in?
The Stilton.
Did you hear about the cheese lover who took his girlfriend for granted?
How dairy.
What cheese surrounds a medieval castle? Moatzeralla
What did Shakespeare say as he was making a cheese plate?
To brie or not to brie.
Why should you always bring a bag of tortilla chips to a party?
In queso emergency.
What do you feed the son of god? Cheeses of Nazareth.
What does a real cheese freak say when they come to your door?
“I’d like to talk to you about Cheesus.”
What did one cheddar cheese say to the other cheddar cheese at prom?
Looking sharp!
What do you tell a cheese going through a hard time?
Ricotta get through this.
What do they say when you leave the cheese store?
Have a gouda day!
Which is the most religious cheese? Swiss, because it is holy.
What did the blind man say after being handed a cheese grater? "That's the most violent book I've ever read."
What happened after an explosion at a French cheese factory? All that was left was de brie.
What did the grilled cheese sandwich say to their date?
“You make me melt.”
How do you get a mouse to smile?
Say cheese.
What does a cheese say when you ask him to share a secret?
He cantal.
What do you get when you cross a smurf and a cow?
Blue cheese.
How did the cheese professor start class every day?
Oh queso…
What wisdom did the daddy cheese pass down to his son?
A curd in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Why was the cheese asked to leave the restaurant?
The cook said “we don’t serve your rind here”.
What do you call cheese who attends art openings?
I have an addiction to cheddar cheese.
But it's only mild.
What kind of cheese protects a castle?
What do you call referential cheese?
What covers the floor of the motzarella forest?
Cheese sticks.
What do you call cheese that is acting crazy? A basket queso.
What were the cheese’s wedding vows?
To havarti and to hold.
Who were the first cheese lovers ever?
Edam and Eve.
Why doesn’t anyone like to hang out with crackers?
Someone always cuts the cheese.
Why does cheese look normal? Because everyone else on the plate is crackers.
What did the commedian say after after a bad set?
That crowd was laughtose intolerant.
How do you know it’s getting kind of serious with a cheese lover?
They tell you they are pretty fondue you.
How does the Cheese Detective choose his clients?
On a queso by queso basis.
What do you get when you cross a goblin and cheese? Muenster cheese.
What cheese should you use to hide a horse? Mascarpone.
What do you call a piece of cheese that likes to shoot hoops? Swiss!
What does a cheese like to drink after a long day?
What do you tell your friend after she breaks up with a cheese lover?
You’re cheddar off without him!