Along Jokes

Why do ghosts and demons get along so well? Demons are a ghoul’s best friend.
How do two rival forests get along? They sign a peace tree-ty!
How did the blind guy from Denver enjoy a bit of apres skiing on Lookout Mountain during the last white-out?
He brought along his skiing-eye dog.
If you walk along a railroad track you may soon feel run down.
All doggies go to heaven (or so I’ve been told).
They run and play along the streets of Gold.
Why is heaven such a doggie-delight?
Why, because there’s not a single cat in sight! (Larry Huggins)
"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination."
- Gossip Girl
All doggies go to heaven (or so I’ve been told).
They run and play along the streets of Gold.
Why is heaven such a doggie-delight?
Why, because there’s not a single cat in sight!

(Larry Huggins)
“The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is because they have a common enemy.” - Anonymous
I was walking along when I saw a pile of dog sh** on the side of the street, a little further on I saw an identical one.
That was a crazy deja poo.
You know you’re getting old when…
You sing along with the elevator music.
What do you call a guy who can't stop running along the beach?
Why are cedars so hard to get along with? They suffer from bigo-tree and ex-tree-mism.
Why are worms so easy to get along with?
Because they are always down to Earth.
Q: Why does the cherry have a hard time getting along with others?
A: It has crust issues.
Why do travel nurses and boxers get along?
They know how to stick and move.
An Unexpected Invitation Sam had been in the computer business for 25 years and was finally sick of the stress. He quit his job and bought 50 acres of land in Minnesota as far from humanity as possible. Sam saw the postman once a week and got groceries once a month. Otherwise, it was total peace and quiet. After six months or so of almost total isolation, he was just finishing dinner when someone knocked on his door. He opened it and there was a big, bearded man standing there. "Name's Leon... Your neighbor from four miles away... Having a party Saturday... thought you'd like to come." "Great," says Sam. "After six months out here I'm ready to meet some local folks. Thank you." As Leon was leaving he stopped, "Gotta warn you there's gonna be some drinkin'." "Not a problem... after 25 years in the computer business, I can drink with the best of 'em." Again, as he started to leave Leon stopped. "More 'n' likely gonna be some fightin' too." Sam says, "Well, I get along with people. I'll be there. Thanks again." Once again Leon turned from the door. "I've seen some wild se* at these parties, too." "Now that's not a problem," says Sam, "I've been all alone for six months! I'll definitely be the way, what should I wear?" Leon stopped in the door again and said, "Whatever you want, just gonna be the two of us."
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