Spice Puns

If your life feel dull and tasteless, it's time to spice them up with our hot Spice Puns!

Spice Puns

What is a ghost peppers favorite Leonardo Dicaprio film? Catch me if you Cayenne.
A burglar broke into my house and took all my condiments, now I'm Spiceless in Seattle.
My doctor told me "No more spicy food.", but I decided to have one last fennel fling.
So I was cleaning my spice cabinet...
and now I have a lot of thyme on my hands!
What do you get when you spice up date night? Netflix and Chilis.
What do you call a dinosaur that drinks curry? A Mega-sore-arse.
How do you know you in "love" with spicy food? After getting to third basil.
National Herbs and Spices Day is celebrated annually on June 10.
Why do baby seals swim in salt water? Cause pepper water makes them sneeze.
What does a good spice rack help you win? The Hunger Games.
I asked the Korean grocer for something to spice up my meals, but I think I got a raw dill.