Pizza Puns

Pizza, the food of champions (and ninja turtles)! This is where you'll find the funniest pizza puns online!

Pizza Puns

I burnt my Hawaiian pizza.
I should have used aloha temperature.
Join us for a slice of fun.
I have so mushroom in my heart for you.
What do pizza delivery guys and porn stars both see too much of?
Stiff tips.
How do you get a musician off your front porch?
Pay for the pizza.
You and I make a deluxe combo.
hat did the pizza slicer say when he wanted to rob the pizza?
“Hand over the dough or I’ll cut you!”
What does a pizza say when it introduces itself to you?
Slice to meet you.
What did the pepperoni say to the cook?
You wanna pizza me?
I had a goat’s cheese pizza the other day.
He wasn’t happy.
What does an anteater like on its pizza?
What does a pizza say when it wants to cuddle?
Fold me close.
What pizza do dogs eat?