Ice Cream Puns

We could hear you screaming for ice cream... PUNS! Welcome to the best place for a sweet, ice cold, Ice Cream Puns!

Ice Cream Puns

Why will you never meet an ice cream workaholic?
They know how to chill out.
Why do ice cream cones always carry an umbrella?
There’s a chance of sprinkles.
What is ice cream’s favorite day of the week?
What is ice cream’s favorite TV show?
Game of Cones.
How does an ice cream cone congratulate you on the anniversary of your birth?
It’s sherbert day!
What does an ice cream lawyer say?
You got served.
Did you hear about the frozen dessert whose wife had a baby?
Now he’s a popsicle.
What did the ice cream cone write on his valentine card?
You make me melt.
Why is ice cream so bad at tennis?
They have a soft serve.
How is ice cream as a girlfriend?
The sweetest.
Why are popsicles so snobby?
They have a stick up their butt.
Why does everyone invite ice cream to the party?
It’s cool.
What do you call an anthropomorphic animal blended in ice cream?
A McFurry