Ice Cream Puns

We could hear you screaming for ice cream... PUNS! Welcome to the best place for a sweet, ice cold, Ice Cream Puns!

Ice Cream Puns

What did the ice cream cone write on his valentine card?
You make me melt.
Where do you go to learn how to make ice cream?
Sundae school.
What did the newspaper say to the ice cream? What's the scoop
When does Oliver Stone eat ice cream? Any Given Sundae.
Why does everyone invite ice cream to the party?
It’s cool.
Why do ice cream cones make such good journalists?
They always get a scoop.
Why don't they make ice cream from breast milk? It's an udderly bad idea!
How does Reese eat her ice cream?
Why do ice cream cones make such bad athletes?
They always get licked.
Why is green ice cream so serendipitous?
It was mint to be.
What do you call a metalhead working at Cold Stone? Alice Scooper.
What does an ice cream lawyer say?
You got served.
What happened when rockers couldn't get their favorite dessert? Rage against the Broken Ice Cream Machine.