Cookie Puns

These puns are no cookie cutter! They are the real, sugary, funny Cookie Puns everyone can enjoy!

Cookie Puns

What is green and brown and crawls through the grass? A Girl Scout who has lost her cookie.
What made the baby cookie cry so loud? His mother was a wafer so long.
What kind of keys does a kid skeleton use on Halloween? Cook-keys.
It’s common for people with heartbreaks to crumble.
What’s the perfect gift for someone who is always raisin’ the bar? Oatmeal
What type of keys does the gingerbread man unlock his door with? cook-keys!
What is a monkey's favorite cookie? Chocolate chimp!
Why did the cookie cry? Because his mother was a wafer so long! Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?
What does the ginger bread man put on his bed? A cookie sheet.
Why would an oreo cookie need to visit a dentist? To get a filling replacement.

What do you call two cookies from the same cookie sheet who fall in love? A batch made in heaven.